What superhero is most like your social media marketing strategy?


By Kiki Schirr, {grow} Contributing Columnist

As a fellow social media marketer, you know the challenge we all face daily — reassuring our coworkers that we are not, in fact, a superhero. (That is, until we remove our glasses…)

But have you ever wondered which superhero your social media strategy most closely resembles? This quiz will help you narrow it down.

It’s pretty straight forward but self-graded. Keep in mind that the more of one type of answer (A’s or C’s, for example) you choose, the stronger your connection to that superhero.

Let’s get started:

1) What social media channels do you use?

A) Twitter definitely, but of course all channels of discussion are carefully monitored for brand mentions and analysis.

B) A self-hosted WordPress blog is the central focus, but also video content, a podcast, regular Twitter posts of new content, Facebook of course, and… well, you’re pretty much everywhere you can be.

C) Reddit for sure, but really any place a meme can get traction. Memes are the future.

D) Instagram because it’s the most conversational channel and fosters human connection. You also once had a great following in India on Orkut (RIP) but are now considering expansion into Sina Weibo.

2) How do you handle repetitive and boring social media tasks?

A) Delegation. You often shuffle off the minutia to your trusted intern, Alfred.

B) Hard work, a packed schedule, and an indefatigable spirit. Oh, and lots of coffee. Lots.

C) Hey, anything’s fun if you don’t take it too seriously.

D) Careful time management and, when possible, automation.

3) What do you think of brands displaying humor, such as Wendy’s Twitter account?

A) They’re juvenile, unprofessional, and certainly not collected within one of my hidden Twitter lists.

B) Who has time for such things? There are more important matters at hand.

C) The only Twitter account better than Wendy’s would have to be Nihilist Arby’s. That’s humor!

D) The disdain Wendy’s displays toward detractors is humorous, if you can forgive its mean-spirited nature.

4) What kind of brand is most like what you represent?

A) A multinational corporation and its CEO

B) A newspaper or professional account of a reporter

C) Satire accounts that rake in profit from the occasional product referral

D) A humanitarian nonprofit group

5) What are the value propositions of your brand voice?

A) People enjoy the brand’s professionalism juxtaposed against the more human voice of its leadership.

B) No one does social media more thoroughly than you. You’re the pinnacle and have no real competition.

C) Playing buzzword bingo, are we? Your fans come to you for the wickedly dark and humorous take on the mundane.

D) You pride yourself on being caring without compromise. Your efforts at transparency are appreciated by your followers.

That’s it! So tally your letters and read on for your results.

Mostly A’s


Your social media strategy most resembles that of Batman.

Drawing a careful distinction between the voice of the brand and the voice of its employees is a great strategy. It has the benefit of being human and perhaps even flawed while keeping the brand’s reputation spotless.

No one knows this better than Batman, born Bruce Wayne and head of Wayne Enterprises. Bruce Wayne’s shallow playboy persona is the perfect distraction for Batman’s dark undertaking.

This strategy has many advantages but is also a risk. The constant challenge is to keep the mention of company affairs positive while still allowing employees creative control over their personal accounts.

Remember, it was The Joker who said, “The only sensible way is to live without rules.” Brand guidelines are a  definitely a must, but they also shouldn’t be a 2-day seminar with required reading and a signed contract.

Mostly B’s


Wow! Your social media strategy is a lot like… Superman!

Feeling flattered? You should be. Superman is by far the most powerful superhero to don Spandex on the silver screen. But even Superman can get in over his head.

Remember that a social media strategy doesn’t mean appearing on every channel every day. You might have the best of intentions but be careful not to spread yourself too thin. As Superman confessed to the Justice League, “I once thought I could protect the world by myself. But I was wrong.”

Build a team of talented people to help you out. Delegate. Coffee is great, but too many sleepless nights will have you thinking your barista substituted your Splenda with powdered Kryptonite.

Mostly C’s


Your social media strategy is as irreverent as Deadpool. He even told me to tell you: “Your crazy matches my crazy. Big time!”

So being King of the memes might not sound like a strong fiscal strategy to the average Joe, but being a mercenary worked for Deadpool (sorta) and memes are way more legal than murder. Most of the time.

While you might share a sense of humor with Deadpool, try not to be as ill-fated. While laughter is the best medicine, it doesn’t keep you out of jail. Here are a few good legal resources from this blog on image use and copyrights:

Legality of using event photos

Recent Pinterest and GDPR legal issues

Legal concerns regarding copyright

Mostly D’s


Your social media strategy is a lot like Storm, a leader of the team of X-Men.

Maybe like Storm, you have an international background. Ororo Monroe’s travels include Kenya, the United States, Egypt, Wakanda, and outer space. Even if you haven’t been in orbit, a strong respect for multiple cultures definitely places you ahead of the game.

Or maybe you and she share the need to help others. Storm’s amazing ability to control the weather hasn’t corrupted her vow to never kill (again). Your goals are probably less macabre so social media is a great way to share your message. This article has a few tips on achieving a caring brand voice like Storm’s.

And if you ever get discouraged, take her words to heart: “You counter despair with hope. You strive forever for the best you are capable to be! Therein lies the victory!”

Hope that you enjoyed this superhero quiz.

And don’t forget, we’re all meeting at Superman’s increasingly ironically named Fortress of Solitude this Friday at six to swap social media best practices. BYOB unless good old Bruce wants to treat us all…? But hey, don’t tell the Shazam kids because even if they might look like adults, they’re still technically underage. See you there!

KikiSchirrKiki Schirr does growth marketing for the automated API documentation tool Redoc.ly. Kiki enjoys absorbing the tech scene and current trends. Her super secret superpowers are a clever turn of phrase and an ability to spot new trends as they just begin to glimmer on the horizon. You can contact her easily through Twitter.

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