Welcome to the world’s most entertaining marketing podcast.

With a spicy blend of good fun and powerful insight, The Marketing Companion has been the world’s most entertaining business podcast for more nearly a decade!

Mark Schaefer is a globally-recognized marketing author, futurist, college educator, consultant, and keynote speaker. Every other week, Mark brings one of his “marketing companions” alongside him to do a deep dive into the trends of today that forge the marketing innovations of tomorrow.

The Marketing Companion –among the top 1 percent of all podcasts on iTunes — is always fun, always interesting, and always on-target with insights and ideas that will turn up your marketing intellect to an “11.” Find a topic in the guide below or push one of the subscribe buttons to get episodes delivered free to your email account every other week.

Four reasons why traditional book publishing is dying (and what’s next)

March 25th, 2015

A discussion of a new book publishing model and a behind the scenes look at The Content Code

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How to change your company culture for marketing success

March 10th, 2015

Your marketing success may not depend on your budget, your strategy or your people. It might be up to your company culture. Can you change it?

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Don’t block me bro: Internet ad blocking takes hold

February 24th, 2015

Ad blocking seems to have the advertising industry in crisis but there doesn’t seem to be a unified plan to do anything about it. Why?

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Social Media in the workplace. Who needs it?

February 10th, 2015

Is social media in the workplace a right?

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Under-used social media platforms (and more)

January 28th, 2015

Mark Schaefer and Tom Webster dissect the latest marketing trends including including Google Glass and under-used social media platforms

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A story of Internet haters, trolls and malcontents

January 13th, 2015

How to handle Internet haters, trolls and malcontents

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Google Pants and 10 Hilarious Highlights from The Marketing Companion

December 29th, 2014

A year-end round-up of comic highlights from The Marketing Companion, Including Google Pants and social media book titles you will never see

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What’s next for digital marketing?

December 2nd, 2014

Looking out for digital trends — what next for digital marketing?

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How Facebook changes our behavior

November 18th, 2014

Is Facebook the real world? An examination of how Facebook changes our behavior

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The Marketing Companion Podcast

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Want to solve big marketing problems for a little bit of money? Sign up for an hour of Mark’s time and put your business on the fast-track.

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