Welcome to the world’s most entertaining marketing podcast.

With a spicy blend of good fun and powerful insight, The Marketing Companion has been the world’s most entertaining business podcast for more nearly a decade!

Mark Schaefer is a globally-recognized marketing author, futurist, college educator, consultant, and keynote speaker. Every other week, Mark brings one of his “marketing companions” alongside him to do a deep dive into the trends of today that forge the marketing innovations of tomorrow.

The Marketing Companion –among the top 1 percent of all podcasts on iTunes — is always fun, always interesting, and always on-target with insights and ideas that will turn up your marketing intellect to an “11.” Find a topic in the guide below or push one of the subscribe buttons to get episodes delivered free to your email account every other week.

What are the top marketing jobs and job skills post-COVID?

May 27th, 2021

The pandemic has changed the world and marketing jobs along with it. What’s next for marketing employment?

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The funny side of marketing with @ScottMonty and @TimWasher

May 13th, 2021

Explore the funny side of marketing with Scot Monty and Tim Washer.

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Cancel culture and the rapid escalation of purpose-driven marketing

April 29th, 2021

Purpose-driven marketing is among the hottest topics right now and it is entering a new phase of urgency.

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Tom Peters’ profound and unexpected advice to the marketing community

April 14th, 2021

Tom Peters is a legend and has dispensed advice for decades. But his final words on marketing surprised even him.

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How to fix marketing NOW with Raja Rajamannar

March 31st, 2021

MasterCard CMO Raja Rajamannar is stirring up the marketing world and he brings his vision to The Marketing Companion.

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Dissecting 10 mind-blowing Gen Z trends

March 18th, 2021

Gen Z trends are shaping commerce and culture. Here are 10 to consider.

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A rant: Marketing means rolling up your sleeves and doing something

March 4th, 2021

A rant … Marketing needs to be more than tricking a person to click on a link.

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What happens when “being great” isn’t enough?

February 18th, 2021

We’re all working as hard as we can. Are we at a point where even being great isn’t enough? What’s next?

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Mr. Beast and the formula for viral content

February 4th, 2021

Is there a formula for viral content? Does it matter? Mark and Brooke explore the strange case of Mr. Beast in this podcast episode.

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The Marketing Companion Podcast

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Want to solve big marketing problems for a little bit of money? Sign up for an hour of Mark’s time and put your business on the fast-track.

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