Emphasis on celebrity over authority is blowing up influencer strategy
Influencer strategy must be re-imagined as young people emphasize celebrity over authority.
Influencer strategy must be re-imagined as young people emphasize celebrity over authority.
Tom Peters is a legend and has dispensed advice for decades. But his final words on marketing surprised even him.
Starting something new is risky but the odds of success can be improved by looking at strategy in a new light.
Ignoring consumers is never a good idea. They will rebel, and they will win.
Is your life story limiting your potential? Changing your narrative can change your momentum.
It’s easy to overthink marketing with all the overwhelming options out there. Here’s a case study to help you simplify!
MasterCard CMO Raja Rajamannar is stirring up the marketing world and he brings his vision to The Marketing Companion.
A new, AI-driven solution will help companies provide personalization and respect data privacy.
Here’s an example of how a shift in consumer tastes opens up a new seam of business strategy.
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